Thursday, April 26, 2012

Planting Lima Beans!

On Monday, the students had the chance to put the plant life cycle into action!  To help end our unit of study on plants, each child recieved their own cup, filled it with soil, added two lima beans, and watered their plant.  Throughout the week, children have been watching their plants, looking for signs of plant growth.  When they bring these home, continue to water them and make sure they have sunlight.  I asked the students to report back to class every so often on how their plants are doing!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Learning About Plants!

This week, our focus was on learning about the Life Cyle of Plants.  Students were asked to look at a group of pictures and decide which were plants and which were not plants.  We discovered that plants were often green in color, need sun and water to live, and are living and grow.  We also compared our own life cycle as humans to the life cycle of a plant.  Students learned that flowers start as a seed, grow into a stem, then grow leaves, then flowers, and sometimes, fruit.  We will continue our unit next week as students have the opportunity to watch their own plants grow. 

Students completed a sunflower project with our Boulan Buddies this week. We talked about the parts of sunflowers (stem, flower, leaves, seed, roots) etc. and compared them to other types of plants.

We also drew our own flowers and labeled them with their appropriate parts!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Weather Week

This week, our class focused on Weather! Students were official meterologists, recording our daily weather on their own weather chart forms.  Please ask them to show you their chart and review the week's weather with you!  We also worked with our Boulan buddies on four different weather stations.  Students picked their favorite weather, drew a picture, and left clues for others to guess what kind of weather they had drawn.  They also completed a Rainbow of Me, identified and matched weather words, and read weather books!  The Boulan Buddies did a great job sharing information they knew about Weather with our Kindergarten students! During Listening stations, students read "One Rainy Day" and had to write sentences using different kinds of punctuation to describe the rain. They also completed a weather word search and scramble. Next week, students will finish up the weather unit by writing My Weather Book and making the book "A Sky Full of Clouds."