Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Polar Express Day

The last day before Winter Break was very magical in Kindergarten!  The boys and girls wore their pajamas to school and as they walked into our classroom, they saw that our tables and chairs had been transformed into a train.  The children pretended to be fast asleep and when they heard the train whistle they got to wake up, get thier train ticket punch and board our very own Polar Express.  We pretended that we also were traveling to the North Pole.  The kids watched the movie while snuggling stuffed animals and enjoying a Polar Express trail mix of marshmallows, chocolate chips and golden graham cereal.  Later in the day we went to the cafeteria/gym and enjoyed our all school Holiday Sing-a-long.  The Kindergartners led the school in the Rudolph song.  It was a great way to end 2012!

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