Friday, October 4, 2013


What a fun day to be a Bemis Bear!  The kids were so excited all day to participate in the Jog-a-thon!  We got our class t-shirts early in the morning and wore them all day.  When it was time for the Jog-a-thon we went out to the tracks and got all stretched out. When Mr. Whan gave the signal the kids were off and running!  We had loud music and lots of people there to cheer us on and get us pumped up!  Even though it was hot an sunny, the kids had so much fun racing around the track :)  They were tired out when we got back to the class!  Your kiddo is bringing home a certificate with the amount of laps that they were able to run.  You can turn your Jog-a-thon pledge sheet and $ anytime from Monday until October 14th.

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