Monday, September 16, 2013

Welcome to a New Year!

We are so excited to be wrapping up our second week of Kindergarten.  The kids are off to a fantastic start this school year!  For the past two weeks we have been learning many new routines in our classroom.  Children are learning how to line up, how to share their ideas, eat snack, have lunch at school, use the smart board, listen to stories, complete their work nicely, use math tools and much more!  We have also been focusing a lot on making positive choices and being a bucketfiller.  Children are learning how to use their BIG voice if someone is bothering them.  We have been noticing a lot of very helpful behavior and friendships forming as a result.  I am so proud of the kiddos! These first few weeks of school are critical to creating a safe and caring classroom environment.  They are the foundation for the rest of the school year! 

Below are a few pictures taken from the second day of school.  We made magic play dough.  All of the kiddos were given play dough that was plain boring white.  They were told that if they could get their play dough to change color than they would have a great year in Kindergarten.  What do you know, they all were able to make their play dough change color! ;)

Please come back and visit our blog often, we will try to update once a week!

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