Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day!

Today the Kindergartners at Bemis were able to participate in several election themed activities.  We have read several stories about job that a President does.  With our Boulan buddies this morning the kids did a writing activity where they shared what they would do if they were the President.  We also made patriotic hats to wear.  The PTO put on a mock election for the entire school to vote in.  We all had voter ID cards, voted in voting booths and got stickers just like a real vote.  The votes were tallied and announced at the end of the day.  The winner of the Bemis Presidental Election was Barack Obama for both the popular vote and the electoral vote.  Regardless of who won or lost, it was important lesson in our voting process! The kids had fun learning about and participating in our election. 

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